Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Getting Keys Out Of The House:

My plan of staying in the CB-6k-s for eight hours yesterday was interrupted. My youngest son’s daycare closed due to a snow storm and I had to go pick him up at noon. I was thinking of staying locked, but with the uncertainty from the snow storm, I wasn’t sure what the afternoon held and decided to transition out.

I was insanely horny yesterday. The CB-6k-s for sure saved me from a broken chastity commitment. No doubt. Today, I think I will be horny again. I took a precaution. I had passing thoughts yesterday to go and unlock myself. Today, to avoid that, I walked my keys to the end of my street, up a hill and left them at the base of a tree. I figure a walk in the cold would straighten my mind out, if it came to that. My plan is to stay locked until just before my eldest son comes home from school. This will be my first eight hour stretch.

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